Thursday, February 24, 2011

Google Books Free Preview!

I just wanted to share- Google Books offers a preview of Dr. Kharrazian's book (The Introduction and 2 Chapters in the middle) as a free preview! I just re-read through Chapter 5- Taming the Blood Sugar Beast. I can't believe how much you forget when you only read something once. I highly recommend you take a look at the info if you have not already done so... Especially "How Do You Know If You Have Hashimoto's Disease" on page 23. This precisly explains why your antibodies need to be cheked if you have hypothyroidism. I am frankly shocked that some doctors of people I know will not test their patients for the autoimmune component, or say it's only necessary if the basic results are concerning. Ugh.
Here is a link to the preview of "Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal?"



  1. Hey Wendy,

    It was great meeting you on Monday night!! Thanks for sharing all that you have learned about combating AIHT Disease (my abbreviation). You gave me lots to think about....and now read...thanks for posting the freebie!


  2. Likewise girl! I love freebies! More coffee, soon!

  3. I have been taking porcine thyroid for about two months and I can see a great difference. Porcine has helped to bring back proper function of my thyroid gland.


Do You Have Hypothyroidism?